Home Technology Machine Translation and AI
  • Trained MT&AI technologies

  • Top language combinations

  • Fastest turnaround times

  • Capacity for scale/volume

Achieve your large-scale translation goals

New technology

Best used for repetitive and large-volume content, our machine translation engines and AI, provide accurate translations in short time. They enable you to streamline your global communication efforts and maintain consistent messaging across multiple languages.

Unlock faster turnaround times

Travod MT and AI solution

AI and MT technologies automate the translation process, dealing with repetitive tasks and reducing manual input. Enriched with knowledge of industry terminology and context, they ensure accurate syntax, correct application of terms, and natural language flow.

Fully customised processes

Assess your needs and build the solution

Connect with MT/AI engines

Give it a human touch

Get standardised quality assessment

Continuous feedback loop

Tailoring to your needs

Machine Learning and AI Localisation Travod

With the best-performing MT and AI engines for large and complex translation projects, high production speeds, cost-saving plans, and exceptional accuracy are guaranteed. Our experts systematically curate the machine translation output, ensuring the AI system learns from regular human intervention. That’s how we deliver the highest standards of quality and precision for your specific combination of content and language.

Faster, more accurate – but how?

Travod AI Translation solutions

With more text translated and curated in less time, the machine-learning powered AI delivers accurate and consistent multilingual content. That’s how we get optimised workflows, reduced administration and translation overheads, and continuously improving translation processes.

AI boosts the MT accuracy

Travod AI solutions

We trust it, but need to check it. No one cancelled the human touch, especially in specialised, legal or technical content. Assigning the right quality level for light or full post-editing, depending on the type of content, will eliminate the risks of errors and poor localised content.

Why choose Travod?

Subject matter expertise

Solid quality assurance processes

On-time delivery

Agile technologies

Scalable workflows

API-based integration

Travod bridges cultures with precision and expertise

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Travod, a UK-based language service provider and proud member of ATC (Association of Translation Companies UK) is committed to excellence, sustainability, and ethical practices.

The company is ranked as a top regional player by Nimdzi and featured among the top world 100 LSPs by Slator. With a dedicated development department, we leverage advanced technology to deliver exceptional translations. We help businesses communicate globally with precision and cultural sensitivity.

Our clients benefit from access to native subject-matter experts in over 400 languages and highly optimised processes, according to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 17100:2015, and ISO 27001:2023 ensuring safe, accurate, and culturally relevant content. Join us in making a positive impact on the world through language.

How best to apply machine translation and AI?