Travod blog celebrating a new milestone ISO27001 2023 certification for Travod hero image

Celebrating a new milestone: ISO 27001:2023 certification for Travod

We are thrilled to announce that Travod has successfully passed the ISO 27001:2023 certification audit! This is a significant achievement for us; it marks a significant milestone in our journey towards the highest information security standards.

A testament to our dedication

Achieving the ISO 27001:2023 certification is far from a small feat. It involves a comprehensive audit of our security practices, ensuring that we meet the stringent requirements of its standards.

It demonstrates that we have robust processes to manage and mitigate risks, ensuring that sensitive information is handled with the utmost care and security

The path to certification

The journey to achieving this certification has been a collective effort, a testament to the dedication and hard work of every member of our team.

Each person's contribution, from conducting thorough risk assessments to implementing comprehensive security controls, has been instrumental in meeting the requirements of the ISO 27001:2023 standard.

Our team has shown exceptional commitment to this goal, working tirelessly to ensure that our information security practices are not only compliant with the standard but also aligned with industry best practices.

What this means for our stakeholders

For our clients, this certification is more than just a mark of achievement. It's a promise that their data is in safe hands, reinforcing our commitment to maintaining the highest levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

For our linguists and partners, it signifies our dedication to creating a secure and trustworthy environment for collaboration. For our employees, it reflects our commitment to fostering a culture of security and continuous improvement.

Looking ahead

While achieving the ISO 27001:2023 certification is a significant milestone, it’s just one of the achievements we’ve set out to accomplish. We are excited about the future, about the new heights we can reach, and the new standards we can set in information security and privacy.

About Travod

Travod is a global provider of expert language services and agile technology solutions for businesses worldwide. Providing culturally localised content, Travod offers a full range of translation services in 190+ languages. Our international team of 130 in-house employees and over 5,000 specialist linguists work together to provide a bespoke service for more than 6,000 organisations and brands. Travod is fully ISO 9001, ISO 17100, ISO 18587, and ISO 27001:2023 certified, demonstrating its ongoing commitment to the highest standards of quality in the translation industry. Travod is part of Mondia Technologies Group. For further insights, please visit:

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